
Unkasoft's blog, where we talk about mobile games development, gaming industry, agile methodologies and all that matter we're handling every day

Monday, August 14, 2006

SCRUM at Unkasoft: the product backlog

OK, once we've been introduced to SCRUM, we're going to deal with several sides of this methodology, taking into account our own point of view and the way we've dealt with here at Unkasoft.

The First item we approached was Product backlog: it is the list of features to be implemented in the product we're creating. Theoretically, when all these features were implemented, the product will be done.

This step has been easy to implement for us, because months ago we've been maintaining a document (called "problems to solve") where we noted down all this stuff we'd like to add to Battlewizard. This document was expanded with our own experience, features requested from QA departament or from external companies using Battlewizard (like our early adopters GPM-e and Karonte).

This way, adapting to SCRUM has been as easy as convert our documento to a spreadsheet, adding all user stories subjects and a brief description using excel's comments. All these features have been arranged in four categories, in accordance to the need to be implemented: very high, high, medium and low.

And what’s all this stuff for? Because with this product backlog we’ll never forget one suggested feature and we can maintain and track a prioritized list of items pending to be implemented. Besides, this is the starting point when we're going to plan a new version.
Once a feature has been completed, it will be removed from product backlog and little by little this list will be decreased (ok, in fact I’ve never saw it decreasing, but it is always getting larger and larger. I hope one day things will change…)

Person in charge of maintain this document is called "product owner" and his/her main purpose is... ok, I think I've spoken enought for now, so next day we'll continue dealing with "product owner" figure.

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