
Unkasoft's blog, where we talk about mobile games development, gaming industry, agile methodologies and all that matter we're handling every day

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mobile Marketing Association Publishes Updated Global Mobile Advertising Guidelines

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) (www.mmaglobal.com) today announced the release of an updated version of its global Mobile Advertising Guidelines. The guidelines provide the global formats, guidelines and best practices necessary to implement mobile advertising initiatives in a variety of mobile media channels, including web, messaging, downloadable applications and video. The MMA has published regional ad guidelines since 2005 and globalized the guidelines in April 2008.

Key revisions include:

Updated Multimedia Messaging (MMS):

New Mobile Video and TV guidelines including the following:

The guidelines are designed to encourage the uptake of mobile marketing worldwide by creating a simplified framework for brands and agencies to deliver mobile advertising in a consistent way. Released every 6 months, the guidelines process ensures that the recommendations are continually updated and reflective of global best practices and industry feedback.

The new set of guidelines are the result of ongoing collaboration between MMA member companies and MMA Mobile Advertising Committee members in the Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America regions and are representative of the entire mobile marketing ecosystem. They have also received industry endorsement from industry associations such as ADMA, BVDW, DMA UK, dotMobi Advisory Group (MAG), IAB UK, Chile and Mexico.

“The continued enhancement of the MMA’s global Mobile Advertising Guidelines ensure that marketers are able to quickly deploy mobile advertising campaigns world-wide in a manner that optimizes screen size and ensures consumer satisfaction. Through our Mobile Advertising Committee, the MMA continues to stay at the forefront of industry leadership for mobile advertising guidelines and education development,” said MMA President Laura Marriott.

The MMA Mobile Advertising Committee member companies include: 4INFO, Inc., AdInfuse, Inc., AT&T Mobility, Buzzd, Google, Golden Gekko Ltd, GoldSpot Media, Greystripe Incorporated, GroupM, JumpTap, Madhouse Inc., MediaFLO USA, Inc., Microsoft (MSN and Windows Live), Millennial Media, Inc., Mobile Posse, MobiTX, Inc., Mobixell Networks (Europe) Ltd, Neustar Inc., News Over Wireless, Nokia Corporation, OpenMarket, Qualcomm, R/GA, Rhythm NewMedia, ScreenTonic, Sensei, Inc. Sharpcards, Smarter Agent, Smaato Inc., State Farm Insurance, Tapioca Mobile, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., Unkasoft Advergaming, Verizon Wireless, Vodafone Group Services Ltd., Yahoo!

The latest version of the MMA global Mobile Guidelines can be downloaded from www.mmaglobal.com/mobileadvertising.pdf. The MMA has also published a Mobile Advertising Overview white paper (www.mmaglobal.com/mobileadoverview.pdf) as well as an Applications white paper (http://www.mmaglobal.com/mobileapplications.pdf) for educational purposes.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Unkasoft Eyes U.S. Market (WirelessWeek)

Unkasoft wants to make advertising a “fun” medium, so it’s offering up a solution for inserting ads into mobile games. (more)


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Free Games

Many times people ask me, what is the competitive advantage of Unkasoft GameSpace?
And the answer is clear. The user accesses a mobile content sponsored by NOT have to pay, completely for FREE. And that sponsored content has not intrusive advertising or advertising that generates a cost.

For the content provider is also a plain advantage: money for content that has already sold on the market and now it doesn’t generates enough revenues.

For the advertiser, the advantages are even better. GameSpace allows you to reach an audience of a certain characteristics. An audience, who enjoy games, because, these audience are tired of been a passive element in front of the television. And they have become an active element ... the main character.

GameSpace still in BETA, has included improvements in usability and in November will reach the big changes.
In addition, little by little operators are introducing flat rates, which will eliminate the cost of data-that it is time.

Meanwhile enjoy the free games entering unkasoft.mobi from your PC or mobile.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Elevator pitch: Ali G vs Trumps

Today I ended up a seminar in BarcelonaActiva in which 25 entrepreneurs have been doing an elevator pitch to a real. All this overseen by the people from Montaner.
I've been a little triumphalist, and I remember one of the best pitches I've seen, that of Mr Ali G Trumps:

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Spaniard Mobile Marketing , more than 28M € in 2008

Last Thursday, I joined the presentation of the first study about the Spaniard Mobile Marketing Market , we've done in MMA Spain and Accenture. The study accurately reflects the growth of this industry. The market for mobile marketing in Spain in 2008 exceeds the 28 million euros. It’s something quite real, because in the study had participated in the largest domestic companies.
And it’s expected to exceed 100 million by 2010, something entirely feasible, although some friends do not believe him.
You can see a little more detail of what was the event at AECOMO.
And if you have any interest in the paper, just send me an e-mail - I do not know why the MMA has not even uploaded on the web-.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

Skuair vs BIDI vs QR

Waiting for my flight at Heathrow I’ve installed Skuair on my mobile, a Daemen Interactive application. And to be frankly, I’ve enjoyed the outcome, I know they are not the only ones who are working along this line but are the ones who have let us a try first. In Europe, we’re beginners in BIDI and QR codes -which are not equal-, both based in DataMatrix, Japan use it long time ago and they use it for everything. Movistar clearly are betting on the BIDI, and in Europe I spot that the trend is more for QR codes, since they have higher density of information.

All our discussion in the Mobile Marketing Association outcome with the same concern, this will not work until the user has the application pre-installed. In addition, the market has to address the standardization problem.

Daemen has taken a step further, creating what I call the ‘real’ codes and you can see the example here:

To test it you have to download the application of skuair first http://www.skuair.com/get



I guess soon all of us we’ll be recognising QR and 'real' codes, and about BIDI, I do not know its future ...
Without doubt will hear more and more talk about Skuair, meanwhile enjoy this video.


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