Saturday, October 18, 2008
Free Games
Many times people ask me, what is the competitive advantage of Unkasoft GameSpace?
And the answer is clear. The user accesses a mobile content sponsored by NOT have to pay, completely for FREE. And that sponsored content has not intrusive advertising or advertising that generates a cost.
For the content provider is also a plain advantage: money for content that has already sold on the market and now it doesn’t generates enough revenues.
For the advertiser, the advantages are even better. GameSpace allows you to reach an audience of a certain characteristics. An audience, who enjoy games, because, these audience are tired of been a passive element in front of the television. And they have become an active element ... the main character.
GameSpace still in BETA, has included improvements in usability and in November will reach the big changes.
In addition, little by little operators are introducing flat rates, which will eliminate the cost of data-that it is time.
Meanwhile enjoy the free games entering from your PC or mobile.
Labels: free games