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Monday, July 07, 2008

The first edition of Mobile 2.0 Europe is over

The first edition of Mobile 2.0 Europe is over. Always organize something like this is knotty, so congratulations!.

The event has begun with Nokia and m: metrics. From the data supplied by this second, surprise me especially those about the U.S. market. They indicate that 27% use 3G services, which actually don’t exist. The only thing I saw in the U.S. to use 3G is using the 3G Sprint modems.

What about iPhone, definitely it’s the best marketing campaign in the history. Everyone talks about the magic of those handsets that make people use mobile services several times over. In addition, it’s the cool picture for all the presentations we have.

The slot about Mobile Social Media has left disappointed me a bit, to be frankly.

Then time for the Early Stage Start-ups presentations, we felt the pressure:

I liked the Venture Capital panel. And I heard many interesting messages:

They want invest in companies which a clear business model. The leading edge technology or ideas are not enough. They begin to be reluctant to revenue share models with mobile operators.

Not having data flat rates continues to affect everyone in the industry.
Maximilian from Atlas, spots that there are much innovation and products, but little business.

We must have the right model at the right time. Many have failed by removing an idea ahead of time or later.

The executive team is vital –point that few have shown at the event-. it’s essential to have a plan and a team of people who can execute the plan.

Then began the Pre-series A:

Panel discussion with ops starts and security people close nearly enter in the room, as saying in Twitter. Do operators support innovation whether or not? What do you think?

Operators commented that they are building the highways for our mobile services. But people do not seem very happy.

Alike, an operator commented that 'rather than the business model', they concerns 'quality of service,' because in case of problem always call them.

Commented that are open to negotiate data flat rates, for example, ‘iPhone has agreed flat rates with an interesting model for both sides’. Here I make a remark, I do not know if apple and unkasoft, would have the same opportunities for that.

The moderator asked, 'but in the short term, How are you going to help Start-ups?'. First answer from an operator is, 'the next two months we’re on holidays but then things can move on'. Carlos Domingo, reacts soon, and said is open to ideas and help start-ups today, and is giving his e-mail.

The rest of the panel commented they support open markets, and called an effort to entrepreneurs to do the homework and prepare always how monetize the projects.

Post-series A large:

Finally there was a panel moderated by Mike of TechCruch on Open Business Models, quite persistent on the advertising model. Mike did a good job; the rest has left me eager to hear new ideas. The only thing that called my attention is a question from the audience, 'Where is google?'.

Just to finish, mention a change in our society. Time ago, the audience of an event was just hearing the presentations. Some years later, we got our mobiles, and sometime we were left outside to talk. Now people around me have their laptops, blackberry, everything, to keep working and twittering,… What will be the next stage? printers, and a coffee table? : )

Thanks to Rudy, Carles and Penélope for this great event.

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Juan Antonio, I'm so impressed for such a performance reporting those events !!. Keep up the good job and your personal punch ;).

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