Friday, December 05, 2008
ThinkLondon & Nestoria
Today ends my week in London, and to be frankly that I am quite pleased. It’s interesting to keep watching how British entrepreneurs have similar problems to tackle an internalization process. As well move for cooperation between entrepreneurs, regardless of where they are based on. In our case we’re about to move things with a company from Bristol.
I've also seen people who already triumphing in the UK, in particular I dragged a coffee with Javier Hernandez of Nestoria. A white branded search engine for properties within Europe (Spain, Germany, UK and Italy), and they launched this week a release for Daily Telegraph.
And also, I met ThinkLondon team; they presented us different options to help us do business in London. Covering any stage in your internationalisation process, strategy definition, find offices, register a UK entity, staff recruitment, ... all thanks to their networking in the London area. And …without cost for your company, what else?.
I see among people who have helped, CAM, NH or Fractalia, and we hope that we’ll be another case of success.
Personal and easy going treatment by friendly an qualified staff, and as background the sights from the 35th floor of its building in Canary Wharf.
Labels: company