Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Social networks, IGDA and Linkedin. Contacts in the summit?
The new technologies have eliminated the distances, to know and to work with practically any person in the world is now part of our everyday activities. But, how can that person who is looking for you find you? The key are the social networks and those of your friends within these.
With just a few clicks we have been able to contact with people at Ubisoft in the
Beware of the talent spotters! Once inside the network your possibilities of being contacted and tempted by another company will proliferate. It is a Curriculum Vitae which works 24 hours a day during the 365 days of the year.
After the opportunity of speaking with Konstantine, one of the founders of Linkedin, I was searching for ideas to increase the network, who wants to do some Brainstorming?
Personally I observed the following obstacles. The language is the first one which appears, as it is in English. After this, the tiresome task of introducing the information. There is also the problem of starting with no one on the network, how will your network be born? Well I offer myself as a volunteer to be the first…
The people at the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) want to create our own network so that all of us within the videogames industry can be connected. It could be a summit of contacts between IGDA and the Linkedin network, knowledge + contacts.
Lests squeeze those pixels
mobile enviroment is always the lack of resources to run all the funny
detail we imagine, having the maximum compression level for our graphics is a must. That allows us not only more graphics, but also more behaviours, or more levels or bigger levels in our games.
That's why we pay attention to the compression tools we get across which promises a good performance. To this point we had managed to achieve a fluid working process with complete compatibility with our development app, Unkasoft Platform, and low weight using a three-tools processing.
The base work was done with Photoshop, giving good working speed and versatility at high image weights, but sometimes lacking the necessary compatibility with Unkasoft Platform. After that, and to ensure the compatibility we opened the files and exported them from the free-code application Gimp. The weight goes down, but is still too high.
Last, we have tried several tools specific for the compression of png images, the format used on the mobile enviroment, an come to the, to this point, best tool, which is Pngout.
We started by using the command-line version, assuming a loss of time, but when we noticed the windows version was available and could do batch processing with a even better compression rate than the prior, we immediately acquired it.
Recently we detected some tools the user said to beat pngout capabilities, specifically Xat image optimizer (, pngquant (, and superpng (
The first one is an application which, at first seems very useful. It automates the process of reducing the colour palette using its own algorithm, which gives fairly good results; but, as for Unkasoft, it is not very useful, as we select the colour palette very carefully, even selecting the colours one by one to optimize the product. And, as a compressing tool it is really acceptable, but cant beat the windows version of pngout, and that's why it is not very useful to us.
And last is superpng, a plug-in for Photoshop which enhances the possible png variants it can export or read, which especially to the Photoshop 7 version is very limited. At the same time, it optimizes the size of the pngs, and that's where it is more useful, as its reduction of weight does not overlap but adds to the reduction achieved by pngout, giving a final file even smaller.
Resuming, this three applications, and specially pngquant and superpng are to be taken in account when it comes optimizing our possibilities without losing image quality.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Finally Alone! … Finally starts IGDA Madrid Chapter… Now SEMINCI –Valladolid.
Unkasoft was there and was a pleasure seeing you there. Almost of the people having games blogs met in Madrid… we used to meet us using nicknames as said JM, and now was time to meet us in the real life. We were face to face with people from Enigma, de Exelweiss, de Atari,…Also we met people who has invest all the time and dreams in this market, people who want to put Spanish videogames industry in a front position, and with one thing in common…the passion for games.
Now is just the beginning and we starting from zero but the time is going to do it possible if we’re willing to push it. But I feel it has started forever.
Go for next event! Unkasoft will be in SEMINCI –
Friday, October 13, 2006
Why don’t we produce mobile games in Spain … IGDA Madrid
The answer to this enigma is clear… the financial help to other markets as movie industry are not in games industry.
Recently Spanish government is trying to create a new law to help Spanish movie industry to be able to compete to
Now is time to review the principals. We were delighted to receive the invitation from IGDA to assist to the first
I hope everything turns out well. We, of course, will be in
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Educational gaming with SCRUM, mobile entertainment and education
Our bet has been on "Los Lunnis", and we're sure that children will learn a lot enjoying the lessons of Lupita, Lucho and the rest of characters.
Development game.
The idea is based on a production with a game for each character of "Los Lunnis": Lucho, Lupita, Lucila y Lublu. This variety avoids the routine of always seeing the same character again and again.
Each game consists of three minigames, so... do you imagine developing this for 250 different mobiles? phew! with the current jungle in J2ME...I say "current" giving it a hope vote to standars like OMA, but the truth is that i am sceptical about it seeing the current outlook- they have been speaking years about it and everything remains the same.
Time and resources first estimated on this project frightened us at first glance, but the fact is that the project was done in less than three weeks with 2 developers, 1 game designer and 1 graphical designer; how is this possible? The answer is simple: SCRUM and Battlewizard!!!.
Since the game consists of several minigames we decided to divide the project into independent projects. Each project would have its part of design, development, QA, etc... It was important that when we will begin a game the previous was finished.
The image shows how was really important that every step had been carried out to keep progressing. The great advantage that Battlewizard gave us was that we thought in a single code.
Though we didn't had any intention to use SCRUM, finally we found some of its ideas very useful, e.g: We did a list of game funcionalities(Backlog) was based in the game story, also we did iterations which result was a minigame completely functional(Sprint). We used the blackboard of the image like Sprint Backlog, and of course compromise and teamwork.
The keys for project success:
1º The project was approached to the educational content.
2º Planning.
3º Design.
4º Teamwork.
5º Compromise.
6º And of course Battleward.
Now we hope the market will receive with delight our bet on eductional games and we'll keep working in this line.