Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Children fail at school because they don’t play videogames
Every day we read news about the effect of videogames, one day tell us that because of them, people become crazy and kill their mates at the high school. And a few days after that, thanks to them children who use game consoles have a eagle view and get better marks.
The last study published by the Centre for International Optometry, 25% of Spanish children between 10 and 12 years surf the Internet regularly, and 76% of adolescents has a games console. One newspaper reflected the results of the study: "video games help improve visual attention. So, thanks to encourage them skills such as visual perception, peripheral vision, visual memory, coordination or ocular motility. They also help to reduce the reaction time, improve communication when playing in a group, to familiarize children with the use of computers and taught to solve technical problems. They are visual and coordination skills we need for everyday situations such as studying, driving, working, reading or doing sports. "
And if we associate that to 34% of cases of school failure is caused by visual problems, they conclude that children do not play suspended because of the games. It obeys a generalized transivity law.
I mean we will continue seeing any study concludes that something unusual will remain news.
Well, I think we lack a little common sense; children do not pass exams only playing videogames, even with the new peripheral vision. Neither becomes murderers.
Moreover, if 76% of adolescents have a console, rather than in the past, Why is going worse the education level?
Labels: educational, mobile games