
Unkasoft's blog, where we talk about mobile games development, gaming industry, agile methodologies and all that matter we're handling every day

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

SCRUM at Unkasoft: eXtreme Programming (XP)

Since we started our SCRUM series, we've received some mails about eXtreme Programming. Are you keeping on it? Can we use XP along with SCRUM? Where XP practices are placed inside SCRUM process?

First of all, we should clarify some aspects:So that, each stuff should be used for its purpose.
Thanks to SCRUM, we manage to track continuously our project, bringing forward
unpleasant surprises, in order to give enough time to respond to them. We
achieve a nice working environment, giving responsibilities to each team member, and
trying to don't create stress between team mates (although some of them are unavoidable).

Even though, whether we used only SCRUM in order to manage our project, we don't have any control for whole programming side. How we should write our code? Which tasks should be done before coding? And then? At this point, we can introduce XP. With eXtreme Programming, we have an agile methodology focused on programming, which fits perfectly with filosophy suggested by SCRUM. Perhaps, due to this fact, the SCRUM + XP combo is been applying successfully inside several Microsoft projects and even inside some games companies.

So, along with all SCRUM stuff we've talked about, we're applying next XP practices:
But there're some practices we've abandoned:In short: SCRUM alone could be insufficient, due it doesn't give us guidelines about approaching programming tasks, so mixing it along with eXtreme Programming, we get a better and more complete agile methodology.

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