
Unkasoft's blog, where we talk about mobile games development, gaming industry, agile methodologies and all that matter we're handling every day

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ideas for advergame

I’ve seen the news, one surprised to me, far from our market and our daily view, sadly. Always, when a company decided to produce an advergame, the advertiser not very often knows what the best thing to get successful campaign is. For that reason usually they leave all the responsibility on the company that produces the game, sometimes would like to have the “phone a friend” option like in “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” to answer the question. Really, what the supplier knows about the advertiser consumers? Who knows? Maybe the best, would be that an advertiser defines exactly that is what they need. In the case of not knowing it, the one that asks he is idiot 5 minutes. The one that does not ask is idiot all its life.

Doritos, instead of the “phone a friend” option, decided to use the “audience” option. “The Unlock Xbox”, extraordinary initiative, which invites to provide ideas for the new game, and get the best idea to fit their brand. www.snackstrongproductions.com

Who knows better than the consumers what they like? I mean that concept is not viable in most of advertisers. The strategy that has decided to use Doritos requires time and conviction in the taken decisions.

As we are not going to often see this kind of ideas, join them and participate in this brainstorming.

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Who moved my music?

Step by step, we continued ourselves detecting errors in the mobile games industry. One of them was commented of an interesting form by Toby Lewis, the quality of music - to say something of the strange noises made-. The producers have many allegations to say, the size available for games, the impossibility to use something better than a MIDI, impossibility to turn the volume down, the users set it off, etc.

I agree in the opinion that always has been considered something low priority. It’s sad to forget this important sense which can introduce so much to our player in the game. The mobile games magazines have even left without valuing this concept. I believe that the moment has arrived to face the challenge, have music to the best level in our new generation handsets. It’s time to don’t penalizing handsets like series N of Nokia or Walkman from SonyEricsson, in which the quality is fantastic and you have volume control. It is spoken of the duration of the musical cycle, recommend 5 minutes for mobile games. I mean it is possible to make very good things with less than 5 minutes.

Not only for the ‘commercial’ games, also for advergames. The experience will improve a lot of a user, just listening the brand sound. It seems something trivial, but he is something that few companies have defined. When these are animated to make an advertising game and it’s commented, they take into account of that is nothing defined that identifies to them. The company logo is important like brand sound is.

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