
Unkasoft's blog, where we talk about mobile games development, gaming industry, agile methodologies and all that matter we're handling every day

Monday, April 20, 2009

Unkasoft- Mobile Advertising and Marketing Awards

We’re travelling next May 7th to London and in the agenda we have good news. We’ve been nominated in the Mobile Advertising and Marketing Awards:
Best use of mobile in driving new revenue and sales: Advergaming on the Fly

So cross your fingers we finally reach the trophy, on this occasion our colleague Laura will pick it up :)

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Thursday, April 02, 2009


Unkasoft Advergaming, a leading provider of advergaming and mobile marketing solutions, and mmChannel leader in mobile multimedia solutions, today announced that it is offering solutions for mobile advertising.

GameSpace (http://unkasoft.mobi/) provides media companies with an effective way to promote digital content or products and brands to vital segments of the market through games delivered on user’s mobile phones. GameSpace provides a host of benefits to the mobile operator, including an increase in income from content, the potential to widen the number of users by offering content for free, or for preview, and a new income source for back catalogue games.

“Today’s announcement will change the way marketing agencies create their campaigns,” said Juan Antonio Muñoz-Gallego, Co-founder Unkasoft. Both companies are in the Red Herring Europe 2009, which evidences our solutions working together increase the ROI of the mobile marketing campaigns.

“The continued expansion of the mobile subscription base is a main growth driver, with many industry analysts anticipating a 20 per cent increase by 2013. Given the increasing role and demand in mobile broadband, data usage will be driven by consumers initiating longer and richer data sessions in the relaxed environment of their home, browsing the web, downloading games, video content and social media applications. Therefore, this alliance with Unkasoft enhances our collective position in addressing the growing demand for “User Interactive” solutions and “Mobile Advertisement” targeted approaches,” said Marc Ian Rose, Chief Commercial Officer for mmCHANNEL.

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

CTIA Wireless preliminary

Today we’ve moved several things; including work on the improvements that MMA has as challenge for the guidelines. A set of guidelines, which have been accepted by all operators in the U.S., something that motivates us to continue to work on those committees. Let's see if we get the same degree of consensus in Spain.

In the afternoon, thanks to Bena, we participated in the Gomo News un-conference.
It seems that many issues that continue to move in the mobile marketing arena: Barcodes - QRcodes, tracking & Analytics campaigns ... I still share the view of several participants; the absence of standards, especially on barcodes, stuck the idea. And forced to take positions code agnostic to face the problem.
Asking one of the speakers at the audience about how many have used a barcode on the mobile, only four raised their hands. And considering that we are a forum for mobility, I think on the street is even worse.

Then in the second round, it was discussed the creation of ad-networks for mobile. It is one of the hot areas, but is a clear concern for the well-defined business model, and relevant advertising.

One of the speakers spoke about millions of downloads on a campaign ... I personally believe that we must stop deceiving. We would all like to have that data, but I don’t know anyone who has such effectiveness. The experiences I have seen from other companies, remain in the area of thousands of downloads in the UK.

Moreover we must always remember quality for the advertiser it’s better than quantity.

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